Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here we are December 28th and I am awaiting my transition back into the private citizen category. Certainly something that I am looking forward to.

While I have had this blog up for sometime I have been somewhat lax at staying current. Due to time constraints and certain rules that Judge's have to serve under I have been limited in time and freedom of speech. These will issues will be resolved December 31, and I am going to try to stay a bit more current with postings in the future.

Many have asked what I am going to be doing in the future. Well, Horticultural Hotline will remain on the air. That is unless they kick me off.

I plan on remaining in Milam County it is my home. I also plan on staying involved in local issues including county government. This blog will be one of the ways that I will attempt to share with readers "real" information on the issues. By "real" I mean non-partisan accurate information that will help the reader make an educated decision on an issue.

I also will be sharing information on the upcoming Legislative Session in Austin. With a 25 billion dollar shortfall facing the state there is a lot of work to be done. There is also a lot of room for misinformation during the session.

Take redistricting. Will Milam County be best served by remaining in a district with an urban county? Will a representative be able to effectively represent a district that has a super majority of the constituents in an urban county? Milam County needs to be aligned with counties with like issues.

There are lot of challenges facing our state and county and as responsible citizens we need to arm ourselves with all the information we can so that we can effect good decisions by our leaders. Seems lately the fanatical groups that are yelling and foaming at the mouth are the only ones making the news. Time the common folks spoke up.

Stay tuned and tell your friends about Inside Milam County...it's a good thing.

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