Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I have made several of the Commissioners Court meetings in the last few weeks and can tell you that Judge Young is truly a breath of fresh air.  His manner during court is positive and optimistic.  While I am not a great fan of power points, I think they are over used; his power points are concise to the point and readable
His explanation of the agenda items is to the point and not overdone.  Not to be critical of his predecessor, but Dave sometimes lost the average listener by getting off point during his explanations.  Judge Young's comments on economic development are positive.  As he says there are good things coming to Milam County whether we like it or not.

During the last court meeting it was reported that Precinct 3 would be getting 70,000 dollars from Treadstone Oil Company to help maintain CR 358 which has a tremendous amount of oil field traffic on it due to the increased oil production in the area.  There was also discussion on making Milam County a film friendly county.  There is a lot of money that comes along with any kind of film production.  You might say it is CSG economic development.  They come, they spend and they go.

My only real criticism is in the way the meetings are being conducted.  Instead of being seated with the court members like a formal court meeting the Judge moves about the room, more like an instructor.  I must say that it does make everything a bit more informal, but not sure that it maintains the decorum of the Commissioners Court meeting.  Just something I have to get used to. 

The other issue I have is that the agenda items are all listed as if they had already been approved.  The listings are approve this or approve that on the agenda items.  During the last meeting there was one item that was listed as approve, and it wound up being tabled.  Perhaps the agenda items should be prefaced with Discuss and take Appropriate Action.  Just a thought, but then again as they say; 254 counties in Texas 254 ways to do anything in county government.

Judge Young has taken the bull by the horns and is working hard to get things done in the county.  He has the energy and vision to do the job.  We all need to get behind him and his efforts to move Milam County forward.  His positive vision about the county and our future is certainly a change from his predecessor.  Truly a breath of fresh air in the courthouse.


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